Stink Bug

A stink bug next to a person holding their nose depicting the question can stink bugs survive in winter in Mequon, WI

Can Stink Bugs Survive in Winter in Mequon, WI

Why Do Stink Bugs Love Your Home During Winter? Can Stink Bugs Survive in Winter in Mequon, WI? As the temperature drops in Mequon, WI, many homeowners notice an unwelcome guest—stink bugs. These small, shield-shaped insects become a common nuisance during the colder months, often sneaking into homes in large numbers. But why do they […]

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A close up wasp in Wisconsin on a white surface.

Common Wasp in Wisconsin

  During the late summer and early fall months, Wisconsin experiences a notable increase in wasp in Wisconsin populations, including yellowjackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets. This surge typically occurs in August and September, when these insects have fully established their colonies. The types of wasps in Wisconsin are a fascinating and sometimes fearsome part […]

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A Wisconsin stink bug with distinctive black and brown markings on its back

A Guide to Stink Bug Season for Wisconsin Homeowners

  September is the beginning of the season of the stink bug Wisconsin. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of (mistakenly) crushing a stink bug Wisconsin with your hands, you’ll know how much of a nuisance a stink bug Wisconsin can be. Handwashing doesn’t immediately improve the situation with the stink bug Wisconsin, and when […]

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A brown stink bug crawls on a surface

Stink Bugs are in Milwaukee, Here’s What To Do About Stinkbugs

  Will White here with Nexus pest solutions. And we’re going to start this new blog call questions were asked when we’re out in the field during our day to day work. And one of the biggest questions that we’re getting right now is our stink bugs in Wisconsin. Well, short answer, yes. And what […]

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