Mequon, Don’t Let Those Mice Take Control of Your Home

Hey there, Mequon and Milwaukee homeowners! It’s Will White from Nexus Pest Solutions,
here to talk about those pesky little critters that can turn your dream home into a rodent
roadhouse – mice! Now, these fuzzy freeloaders might seem harmless, but they can wreak
havoc on your property, chewing through wires, leaving droppings that spread disease, and
generally making a nuisance of themselves.
But fear not! By following these pro tips from Nexus, you can keep those mice packing their tiny
suitcases and heading for greener pastures (or, more accurately, someone else’s house).
Seal Up Your Fortress:
Mice are like tiny ninjas. They can squeeze through holes the size of a dime. So, your first line
of defense is to become a master of exclusion. Here’s what you need to do:
● Inspect your foundation: Look for cracks, gaps, or holes around pipes, windows, and
doors. Caulk ’em shut with a good quality sealant!
● Don’t forget the doors: Make sure there’s a tight seal at the bottom of your doors with
weather stripping.
● Check those screens: Don’t let a ripped screen be your Achilles’ heel! Repair or
replace any damaged screens on windows and vents.
Food Fight! (But Not Really):
Mice are always on the hunt for a tasty snack. Don’t let your home be their all-you-can-eat
● Store food properly: Keep all food in airtight containers, including pet food. Don’t leave
crumbs or spills on counters or floors.

● Clean up after yourself: Take out the trash regularly. Don’t let overflowing garbage
cans become a mouse motel.
● Compost strategically: Avoid composting meat scraps or dairy products, which can
attract unwanted guests.

Tidy Up Your Territory:
Mice love clutter – it provides them with perfect hiding spots to build their nests. Here’s how to
make your home less appealing:

● Declutter your basement and attic: Don’t give them a place to build a five-star rodent
● Trim those trees and bushes: Keep branches away from your house – they can be a
highway for mice to climb in.
● Store firewood away from your house: Don’t provide them with a cozy winter cabin
right next to your foundation.
Bonus Tip: Natural Repellents:
While not a foolproof solution, some natural repellents can help deter mice. Try placing cotton
balls soaked in peppermint oil or cloves around your home, especially in areas where you’ve
seen signs of mice.
Remember, Prevention is Key:
By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of a mouse infestation in your
Mequon or Milwaukee home. But if you suspect you already have unwelcome guests, don’t
hesitate to call the professionals! At Nexus Pest Solutions, we have the expertise and
experience to quickly and safely remove mice and prevent them from coming back.
Give us a call at [414-355-3732] and let’s keep your home mouse-free!
This is Will White, reminding you: a stitch in time saves nine… and a sealed foundation
saves you from a rodent rhyme!

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